This Section will trait some examples about the interaction of the Raspberry Pi board from the Python GUIs and its electronic surrendering environment :
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from tkinter import * from tkinter import font import tkinter as tk import RPi.GPIO as GPIO GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setup(40, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.output(40, GPIO.LOW) win = tk.Tk() myFont = font.Font(family = 'Helvetica', size = 36, weight = 'bold') font.families() def ledON(): print("LED button pressed") if GPIO.input(40) : GPIO.output(40,GPIO.LOW) ledButton["text"] = "LED ON" else: GPIO.output(40,GPIO.HIGH) ledButton["text"] = "LED OFF" def exitProgram(): print("Exit Button pressed") GPIO.cleanup() win.quit() win.title("First GUI") win.geometry('800x480') exitButton = Button(win, text = "Exit", font = myFont, command = exitProgram, height =2 , width = 6) exitButton.pack(side = BOTTOM) ledButton = Button(win, text = "LED ON", font = myFont, command = ledON, height = 2, width =8 ) ledButton.pack() mainloop()
Result :
chmod +x
in the execution, every time we press the button, it toggles form “LED OFF” and “LED ON”.