Protected: Realtime Arduino based Oscilloscope with python
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In this manipulation we will see how to Drive a Digital Output hooked into the Arduino via the pin #13, and that by giving it a real-time command from a Tkinter ON/OFF Botton. Hardware Arduino Uno board or any other compatible version. LED connected to the pin #13 (or simply the built-in LED). Serial medium: […]
In this manipulation we will see how to Drive a servo motor hooked into the Arduino pin #9, and that by giving it a real-time command from a Tkinter Slider. Hardware Arduino Uno board : Having the Firmata preloaded Servo motor connected to the pin #9. Serial medium: USB cable connected to a serial monitor […]
Objective: Designing a home responsive automation platform that allows the user to have a clear supervision on the area designed for the project. Features: Multiple portability: PC, Mobil, tablet. Communication means: Alerts via emails, UI via internet. Historic: Data logs, Stord in a SD Card Graphs: To plot relavant Data. Hardware: ESP32: Hosts the webserver, […]
Objective : Impliment a web server via wifi to control actuators and to supervise the sensors via web browser. Hadware ESP32 Wroom 32 Board 2 LED 2 330 ohms resistors Breadboard Installation See Esp32 – Up and running Implementation : In this manipulation the Esp32 will be a wifi subscriber STA (there is the possibility […]
the Objective of this project is to plot the frequency response of an existing Electronic circuit, and get the that main characteristics from it.
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Manupulation of the Face Detection using OpenCV and Python, in both using a saved image and trough a webcom streaming.
Sources : Objective : Display GPIO signal on Gage UI. Technologies: – GPIO In this example, we’ll use a Raspberry Pi and a DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor to print values on a web interface. 1. Hardware Wire the DHT22 following the diagram. Note the resistor is a 10kΩ. 2. Software OS : Linux Raspbian […]